Welcome to Naijafunds.Com.Ng.I believe you enter this page while searching for the world Novanga.com review then you’re in the right place.

Today’s article will look forward on the detailed information about Novanga.com platform.

I believe that by the time u done reading this review, you will able to make your own decision on whether to join Navanga.com or not, And to know if Navanga.com review is legit or scam Platform.

Today review I will be revealing all you need to know about this online earning platform called “Navanga.com platform”.

In this article today we’ll going to review all you need to know about Novanga.com Review platform. To know if “Novanga.com Review” is Legit or Scam platform.

Let’s go.

What is Novanga.com

Novanga.com is an investment platform where users are allowed to earn clean cash by investing and getting returns of their investment on the platform.

You can also earn on the platform by referring/inviting family and friends to join the platform using your referral link. when anyone register on the platform using your link, you get a commission for each referral.


How does Novanga.com Review works.

To start earning on this platform known as “Novanga.com”, you must be a registered member on the platform.

You will be required to visit their official website (www.No van ga.com) to complete your registration procedures after then you’re good to run there platform.

When you register on the platform it’s allows you to start earning clean cash by investing on there platform, you’ll be the one to choose the amount you want to invest. then you need to deposit on the platform and invest in any of the investment plans you want to in order to get returns of your investment within a period of time.

There are many investment packages available on. Each package has different registration amount and earning schedule. i.e., the higher the investment package to subscribed to, the higher the returns you get from the plasform.

You can also earn on Novanga.com through their referral link which is by referring new members to join the platform using your referral link and you earn a commission for each referral.

Novanga.com Registration\sign up.

To register on this platform you have to follow this step.

  • Click on Novanga.com
  • Input the required information
  • Then, click on REGISTER to complete your registration.


To Login/signin to Novanga.com account, the following step:

  • Your username and password
  • Then, click on SIGNIN to access your account

Withdraw process.

You are only make withdrawal on Novanga.com once you reach the required withdrawal amount on the platform.

The minimum withdrawal amount on Novanga.com is N600. All you need to do is to provide account details and request for withdrawal.

How is the owner and founder of

No information about the founder/CEO of Novanga.com was shared online when this article was published.


No proof of payment was found online when this article was published.

Is legit.

Novanga.com cannot be tagged a legit platform because, no proof of payment have been recorded yet regarding this platform. but make sure you invest what you can afford to loose.


Is Scam.

Novanga.com cannot be tagged as a scam platform at the moment as no one has reportedly been scammed by this platform.

Conclusion on Novanga.com.

Thank you for stopping by to read this Novanga.com Review. If you think “Novanga.com” is Legit or Scam platform, kindly share your personal experience about this platform with us in the comment section below.


By Admin

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